But hey, even without a scanner I can give you some stuff to read. Below there's information about how I came up with the main monkey of the coming chapter; Hirsch.
Hirsch was the first of the Lunar Monkey characters to be designed. However he was the last to have his story and background written. He is unlike the other Lunar Monkeys because he was neither trained or brought up together with them. He is a Monkey of the same breed but trained in Germany. He was trained to build and repair aircraft and military equipment, and was therefore transferred to the Lunar Monkey program to fill spot as mechanic. However, Hirsch is not the monkey inteded for this mission. He and the real Hirsch got mixed up just before transfer. It would also show that Hirsch is nowhere near as good a mechanic as the real Hirsch, a bit to late perhaps, but hey, let's not spoil anything, shall we?
This character was based on my good friend Christoffer. Christoffers last name is Hjort, which translates into Hirsch in german (Or Deer in English for that matter).
Hjort works as a mechanic in the town where we grew up, and therefore basing the mechanic-monkey on him was an obvious choice.
Now, I know Hirsch as a character could give the impression that Hjort is not a very good mechanic. That is not the case however (Or well, heck if I know to be honest. I've never had him fix anything for me). Anyway, Hirsch merley reflects Hjort's great humoristic side. Also Hjort is a down-to-earth practical person, the kinda person that knows exactly where to slam an old TV to get the picture tuned, kinda like how Hirsch would fix things!
"I think it'll be awesome with a non-speaking, mechanic-monkey, fixing things by breaking them!"
- Christoffer Hjort
Also, I was very happily suprised to find this picture, kind of a Real-Life Hirsch!
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